Unity VFX Graph Experiments

VFX Graph is Unity’s high performance pure-GPU particle effects system. I recently helped Chop Chop Games get a sizzle reel out for an upcoming card battler, which involved a fair amount of prerendered particle work in Apple Motion and Blackmagic Fusion. Looking at their competitors in the space, like Slay the Spire and personal favorite Black Book, got me tinkering again with VFX Graph.

It’s an impressive set of tools, but shader experience is definitely a prerequisite. You need to “think in GPU.” One great decision was making Animation Curves a first-class citizen in VFX Graph, allowing for a lot of nuanced per-channel animation. Getting particle motion properly punchy is always a challenge.

Shield Up uses two Animation Curves to Etch-a-Sketch the shield outline into being, then a mesh to fill the inside. The sparks are sub-emitted from invisible spawner particles.
Shield Loss uses a single, big flipbook-textured particle for the shield, with the burn line and ash lines animated with Animation Curves.
Vine Attack uses URP quad particles and particle strips with normal maps to fake some depth. It also uses a pair of useful subgraphs: Point Force and Orbit.

You can download these all in a .unitypackage here. The download also includes a couple of potentially useful subgraphs. Point Force can be positive, to push particles away from a given point, or negative, to suck them in. Orbit can also be positive or negative, to control the direction particles orbit around a center point.

Demonstration of the Point Force and Orbit subgraphs.